Saturday, May 22, 2010


Sooooooo I am NERVOUS. Tomorrow is my first almost nude shoot. Well, I'll be nudey and then painted to look like an awesome blue creature from Avatar. It should be rather kewl, but like I said I'M NERVOUS!! I've had 2 kids and this is a big step for me in my bodily confidence.

The body does fascinating things after creating and popping out children. Boobies droop with sadness, hips thrust out in rebellion, thighs spread out like cookie dough on a hot platter....and, of course, tummy likes to giggle and roll while in motion. BUT I am sucking it up and embracing this new alien form.

At least my teeth didn't get fat. :)

Have you ever just stared at someone until they began to squirm? It's kinda fun. Especially if you don't know them. :)

I am off to watch a band play...well it's not just a band, this one has an Orm in it!!! And I shall be handing out business cards to ward advances/flirtatiousness from others. Maybe I'll be invited to "swing" again. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I didn't take them up on their offer, by the way.

Somebody PLEASE take this Rockstar away from me!! I'm gonna be bouncing off the walls and doing Ninja/Jackie Chan moves if'n I don't set this sh*t down!!



  1. you will do just fine . you are gorgeous, just relax and be yourself. i have shot many women who have had kids and i always capture their beauty, always.

  2. Thank you for an awesome shoot Carolyn... you were amazing, and if there was a saggy boob it must have been mine... because you looked great for having had two children! You really rocked this shoot, and 12hrs in makeup and shooting time... you are most definitely a trooper. Your dedication to the shoot is unmatched in my book... you're aces all the way.. I cannot wait to put another project together with you!!
