Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Eff society and its efffing rules

I am soo fed up with my fucking job. I go way above and beyond and for what? Better pay? Where? Not here. I haven't looked up my ass but I'm pretty sure its not there either.

I feel so constricted by the 9-5 40 hour week. Am I alone? Anyone else out there feel this whole "American Dream" is just a fucking farce? You work hard so you can make more and more money so you can go more and more into debt so you can have more and more nice things JUST to turn around and want more and more nice things so you go to school and spend more and more money so you can make more and more money so you can go more and more into WORSER-ER debt....therefore you become a slave to money because you have nice things but you must pay for them through wasting time at a job you almost hate. A job that you spend 80% of your waking hours at. Woohoo!

The American Dream.

Before you know it, you're old, wrinkly, boobs sagging, penis flaccid, bleary-eyed, barely-hearing old fart who did nothing but work and is still in massive debt. Or perhaps just getting out of it. But by the time you are debt free you can't even jump up and down for joy without breaking your hip.

Say it with me: "FUCK THAT!"

Let's go for the old American Dream, the one our fore-forefathers fought so hard for. The opportunity to discover adventure, prosperity in whichever form we could think. The ability to be free and have individuality but also TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for ourselves and our actions. Let's go back to using our hands to feed ourselves and our brains to work through the day and survive, knowing no one is holding anything over our heads. Lets pursue and live by strong ideals and honor, integrity and love of our fellow man.

And screw that fucking 9-5.

I can feel it. I'm so close to walking away from it and running toward freedom and creative responsibility.

Oh and PS: Fuck middle aged women. So far, they are nothing but bitchy, bossy, ignorant, stuck-up, know-it-all, closed-minded people I know and have worked with. Personal prejudice may apply.

Thank you and goooooood night!!


  1. Wow...just...WOW!! I am sexually aroused by a woman that has strong convictions and the chutzpah to speak/type them out loud and in public! Say it like it IS girl!! ;)

  2. The 9-4 40 hour/week routine is indeed a nasty prison, but all too many don't seem to have a fundamental problem with it. A 40 hour/week job is, I know now after too many years, a life-killer, a life-waster. You can't lead a wonderful life when you're devoting yourself to b.s. Insanely most of us have no option. There's no contracting with an employer for 32 hours, or 25 this week and 30 the next. There is no such thing as a truly free market when it comes to your labor. You're at the mercy of impersonal forces that prioritize not individual lives, but profits and organizational/corporate profits.

    I think you're also dead-on correct about middle aged women in general. This applies also to men though. Most want the familiar, comfortable patterns. They stop seeking and questioning and arrive at superficial answers to all questions. Most people it seems to me are already dead in most ways that count by the time they hit 40 or so. But they'll never figure that out since they've never adopted a philosophy of life that embraces constant growth, evolution, exploration, self-questioning, and the reaching for all heights, all reaches of potential and experience.

  3. Hey! I love that attitude! It is so crazy the way we live. Our lives are wasted with work and tv! We should be friends Carolyn! We have the same name too which is strange. Anyways! I am getting back to work now...
